Please carefully read this Privacy Policy of JOYTRIP.PL ("Policy"), in which we provide you with important information about the purposes and means of the processing of personal data in the course of responding to your inquiries, obtaining and presenting you with offers or in connection with the execution of concluded contracts as well as what rights you may be entitled to in this regard.
This Policy also describes the terms of use of the website ("Website"), therefore please read this document before you start using the Website and its functionalities. In the case you do not accept the content of this Policy, please discontinue any further use of the Website.
General Information
Firstly, complying with the information obligations resulting from "GDPR" i.e. so-called the general regulation on data protection2016/679, please be informed that the controller of your personal data is JOYTRIP.PL Sp. z o.o. with registered office in ul. Kisielewskiego 4d, 80-275 Gdańsk, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register held by the District Court Gdańsk-Północ in Gdańsk, VII Commercial Division of the National Court Register under KRS No 0000507285, NIP (Tax Identification Number) 5832959276, REGON 220319553, with the share capital in the amount of 45,000.00 PLN (hereinafter: "JOYTRIP.PL", "we", "us").
In the matters concerning protection of personal data, you can contact us by e-mail: or in writing to the address of JOYTRIP.PL Sp. z o.o. - ul. Kisielewskiego 4d, 80-275 Gdańsk, with the annotation: "Privacy Policy".
Providing your data in connection with the use of the Website or correspondence with us – regarding offers or implementation of contracts concluded with JOYTRIP.PL – is always voluntary, however, providing some information may be necessary to prepare for you a personalized offer, to conclude and exercise a contract with JOYTRIP.PL, to provide you with answers or fulfill legal obligations, as well as to perform other purposes described in further parts of this Policy.
Terms of Use of the Website
All contents contained on the Website, including trademarks and trade names, images and descriptions of products, as well as other materials, are protected by law and any use of them may only take place with the prior written consent of JOYTRIP.PL or other authorized entity that the content concerns.
Use of the Website and its functionalities, including the contact form, requires access to the Internet and an active and properly configured e-mail account (electronic mail), as well as a constantly updated web browser, e.g. Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari.
It is not allowed to use the Website in any manner that disrupts its use by JOYTRIP.PL and its users, as well as to provide any illegal content through the Website, including any content that infringes the personal rights and other rights of third parties, as well as acting in a manner that infringes the law or is intended to circumvent the law, or is contrary to the principles of social conduct or good morals.
JOYTRIP.PL provides on the Website a contact form that allows you to submit an inquiry or send a message to JOYTRIP.PL, and may also allow you to order, through the Website or otherwise, a newsletter, as well as information referring to the current offer of JOYTRIP.PL in the form of mailing. Mailing will be sent only to those of you who have already used our services or have submitted an inquiry through the Website, by phone or other means, as well as otherwise expressed their willingness to cooperate – please be informed that at any time you will be able to withdraw your consent e.g. by cancelling your subscription (or by objecting to the processing of your data for marketing purposes).
JOYTRIP.PL uses on the Website technical measures to protect electronic communication and digital content transmitted through the Website and in connection with its activities, including SSL encryption, passwords or anti-virus programs as well as against unwanted software. Nevertheless, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that the use of the Internet and electronically supplied services always entails the risk of unauthorized access to transmitted data, therefore we also recommend you to use appropriate security measures, e.g. antivirus programs.
JOYTRIP.PL may use cookies (small text files downloaded to user’s computer which may be used to store information about the user and his/her preferences) and other similar technologies, in order to fully exploit the functionality of the Website and to display personalized advertisements as well as to monitor Website traffic and statistics of visits. The Website may also contain so-called social and marketing plugins, which may also use cookies files.
The cookies we use primarily allow us to assess the expectations and interest of Website users, including the analysis of the interest in a particular service. Data collected during the analysis will be used only for marketing purposes, i.e. to display a personalized advertisement of JOYTRIP.PL services on other websites and services, e.g. operating within the AdSense network or on social networks.
Please be aware that at any time, you can change the settings of your web browser, specifying the conditions for storing cookies by changing the settings of the web browser by yourself. You can also delete them by yourself, which may however, affect the availability of the Website functions.
Purpose and legal basis for processing your personal data by JOYTRIP.PL
JOYTRIP.PL is the administrator of personal data processed for the purpose of paying the registration fee for the conference and services.

Depending on the situation, JOYTRIP.PL may process your personal data for the purposes and to the extent necessary for contact, concluding a contract as well as cooperation with JOYTRIP.PL, in particular in the following circumstances described below:
        I. Payments processing for conference participation and services – your payment information is collected solely for the purpose of completing transactions and facilitating your participation in the event, hotel reservations and additional services offered. We utilize industry-standard encryption and security protocols to safeguard your data during transmission and storage. Rest assured that we do not store your payment details beyond what is necessary for transactional purposes, and we do not share this information with third parties except as required for processing payments.

    II. People contacting JOYTRIP.PL – the purpose for processing the personal data is to communicate with the people contacting JOYTRIP.PL, in particular with potential Clients and contractors of JOYTRIP.PL. In such a case, the legal basis for the processing of personal data is a legitimate interest JOYTRIP.PL, which consists in enabling communication and possible establishment of a relationship with a person contacting JOYTRIP.PL, and in providing such a person with the expected information. The basis for processing the personal data in such a case may also be the consent of that person given by his or her specific behaviour.
Depending on the content of the correspondence, the processed data may include in particular: name, surname, e-mail address, position, telephone number, correspondence address and other information provided by the person contacting JOYTRIP.PL. Providing personal data is always voluntary, however, if you do not provide personal data, the communication process (including the answer to your questions) may be difficult or even impossible. In the case of inquiries regarding services, information and terms and conditions of cooperation, JOYTRIP.PL may store your data for the duration of your business activity, until the end of your cooperation or until the person contacting JOYTRIP.PL will ask to erase his/her data and the content of his/her inquiries from the database. Notwithstanding the above, the collected data may be retained as long as it is necessary for the legitimate interest of JOYTRIP.PL or a third party. 

     III. Other legitimate interests of JOYTRIP.PL.
On the basis of the legitimate interest, JOYTRIP.PL may apply on the Website the functionalities used to:
1)     conduct research and analyse the activity of you and other users of the Website in order to enhance better efficiency of the Website, assess the expectations and needs of users and improve the Website, introduce new products and services, as well as for statistical purposes,
2)     provide you with commercial, marketing and technical information regarding the products or services offered by us or our partners – to the extent permitted by law, including with your consent, using the various available means of communication,
3)     communicate with you on the initiative of JOYTRIP.PL for purposes other than those directly related to the possibility of concluding and performing the contract,
4)     ensure the safety of use of the Website, to prevent fraud and abuse and to maintain the correctness and continuity of the Website, including through backups,
5)     establish, enforce or defend JOYTRIP.PL's legal claims and demonstrate JOYTRIP.PL's compliance with its obligations under applicable law, including through the creation of registers and records resulting from the provisions on the protection of personal data and their archiving.
Whenever your consent or our legitimate interests are the basis for the processing of your data, we shall process your data for the duration of our business activity or the duration of the relevant action – respectively – until the withdrawal of your consent or the positive recognition of an objection on the grounds of a particular situation.
In the other cases described above, JOYTRIP.PL does not profile you on the basis of possessed personal data.
JOYTRIP.PL never uses systems that lead to automated decision making with respect to you.
JOYTRIP.PL applies technical and organizational measures to ensure the protection of your personal data, appropriate to the risks and categories of your protected data, and in particular secures your data technically and organizationally against unauthorized access, being taken by an unauthorized person or illegally, as well as against change, loss, damage or destruction, using i.e. SSL certificates on the Website.
Recipients of personal data
As a general rule, only authorised employees and associates of JOYTRIP.PL or authorised persons involved in the service of the Website, who have been granted appropriate authorizations, shall have a direct access to personal data processed by JOYTRIP.PL Access to such personal data may also be obtained – to a reasonable extent – by entities cooperating with us (or with us and you) during the performance of a particular services, events and projects.
Personal data, provided by you, may be made available to entities entitled to receive them under applicable laws, in particular to competent judicial authorities.
In accordance with the applicable law, we inform you that your data may be transferred by JOYTRIP.PL – to the necessary extent – to entities processing your data at the request of JOYTRIP.PL, i.e. in particular –  cooperating with JOYTRIP.PL – carriers, postal operators, entities servicing and maintaining our IT systems and websites, professional advisors, banks and payment processing companies as well as accountancy offices providing accounting services for JOYTRIP.PL. Such entities process data based on the contract concluded with JOYTRIP.PL and only to the extent necessary to provide services by the above entities in accordance with our instructions.
At the same time, we would like to inform you that if JOYTRIP.PL will collect your data in connection with its activities in the European Economic Area, JOYTRIP.PL does not intend to transfer your data to third countries – i.e. beyond the European Economic Area, unless it is justified by the circumstances of the contract, about which JOYTRIP.PL will inform you in advance. Moreover, if the transfer of data to a third country proves to be necessary or justified, it will take place in accordance with the applicable legal regulations and the transfer will take place in accordance with the applicable legal provisions.
Rights relating to processing of your personal data (Rights of individuals relating to the processing of their personal data)
According to GDPR you (the data subjects) shall be entitled to a range of rights arising from the processing of your personal data, including:
-      the right to access to your personal data, including the right to obtain a copy of this data,
-      the right to request rectification (correction) of your personal data – when data are incomplete or incorrect,
-      the right to erasure („right to be forgotten”) – provided that the data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed or you will object to the processing of your data  or withdraw the consent on which the processing is based and there is no other legal ground for processing or the data are processed unlawfully or have to be erased for compliance with a legal obligation,
-      the right to restriction of processing of your personal data – in case you indicate that your data is incorrect or data processing is unlawful, but you oppose to  erase them or if your data  is no longer needed but you will require them for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims, or you will object to process your data – until you determine whether the legitimate grounds for processing your data override the basis of your objection,
-      the right to data portability – if the processing is carried out by automated means on the basis of concluded contract or your consent.
You also have the right to object to the processing of personal data, including profiling – if we process your data on the basis of a legitimate interest and the objection is justified by your particular situation. In cases where the processing of personal data would take place on the basis of your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time without affecting the legality of the processing which was carried out on the basis of such consent prior to its withdrawal.
All requests regarding the exercising of the above rights may be submitted in writing or by e-mail to the addresses of JOYTRIP.PL indicated above. Please be aware that we will make every effort to respond to your requests as soon as possible, no later than within one month from their receipt, unless they prove to be numerous or complicated. All requests are free of charge, but if they prove to be manifestly unfounded or excessive, we will be entitled to charge a reasonable fee, taking into account the costs of communication or taking the requested action or refuse to act on the request.
If you consider that JOYTRIP.PL infringes the law by processing your personal data, please contact us – in accordance with information indicated above. Regardless of this, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a  supervisory body, which in Poland is the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.
Exclusion of liability
This Privacy Policy does not include any information regarding products or services offered by entities other than JOYTRIP.PL which have been posted on the Website commercially, hospitably, on a reciprocal basis, or even do not serve to achieve a direct or indirect commercial effect.
Please be aware that JOYTRIP.PL is not responsible for the actions or omissions of users as a result of which JOYTRIP.PL processes personal data provided by them in the manner specified in this Privacy Policy.
JOYTRIP.PL reserves the right to make changes, withdraw or modify the functions or features of the Website, as well as cease their activity, transfer rights to the Website and perform any legal actions permitted by applicable law. Any activities performed by JOYTRIP.PL may not infringe the rights of Website users.
This Policy shall apply from 6.03.2024

JOYTRIP.PL reserves the right to introduce changes to the Privacy Policy at any time, whereby the current as well as previous versions of the Policy will be available on the Website.